Moment by moment

Life has been crazy around here. We have a entered a new season I don’t think we really knew we were entering. It has taken a lot of breathing and repeating truths and asking for what I need. I’m grateful God prepped me by reteaching me to choose joy AND to “do everything without complaining or grumbling.” Pretty cool the way He works. And it’s true, even in the midst of chaos there is so much to be thankful for.

10. Forever friends. Words can’t describe my gratitude for their momma and the sweet relationships our kids have. Every time we are together, I feel strengthened in my motherhood.
11. Watching fireworks together as a family. This was an unexpected gift!! As our girls squealed with excitement over seeing a so many surround us on the highway (CoVID stopped no one from lighting them off 🤣), we smiled at each other and said “these are the very best days.”
12. Having fun together. Intentional fun.
13. Non scale victories! Ran a mile in 10:30 2 weeks ago. It’s fun to start running it consistently around this time. And just running in general. One of my biggest sanity savers.
14. 10 minutes of self care. Yes, I didn’t cover my nose and yes, when I washed it off I forgot chunks of it. 😂

15. My sweet friend who texted me this morning and reminded me to take things moment by moment. We are only in control of the moment we are in, so I have been repeating that phrase to myself all day.

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